A little about me
Ok so this is about my childhood as far back as I can rember I had it made, I had a mom, dad, little sister, and dog. I lived in a nice house and got almost everything I wanted both my mom and dad worked at the same hospital my dad was the Director of nurses and my mom was a RN that worked in the emergancy room. I was a rich spoiled little boy. In school I got straight A's and in first grade I got a 50$ scollar ship may not sound like much but to a six year old will you might as will say a million dollars anyway I was teachers pet. Everything was going great untill about 4th grade, then my mom and dad would have these "talks" with each other and eventulay they became sarcastic rude shout outs. Eventulay mom and dad temperarly seperated for a short time my mom moved to an apartment I saw her every weekend that was fine everything was still going good. But things got no better mom and dad divorced dad imadatly moved in with another woman "Penny" I think her real name is like Suzzy but everyone calles her penny I might mention that "Penny" at one point befor the divorce I used to like she was so nice and everything just perfect the perfect person everyone was looking for yeah righ that was untill she married my dad then she was a total bitch and everything she said dad backed up it was crazy hell it still is crazy that is why I never refer to her as stepmother just "Penny" same thing with my dad I never call him dad I call him "Bob, Rob, Robert, ect." Back on track my parents just divorced there was a big custidy battle and my mom real mom won. Thank God !! anyway so it was just me, mom, and little sister Mandy is her name by the way. We rented a small house right outside of the town where I used to live way out in the country with all these "hicks", they were nice people but "hicks". Anyway about 6 months of living there I go through hell everything is falling apart I throw fits very agressive ones, I'm depressed everything is horriable and I go to Charter one night. My mom halls me out there this is like 3 hours away from where I live. The people there admit me there it was crazy the first day or 2 I hit everyone had to be strapped down in this room they called the "quiet room" but 10 days later I am discharged from the place Thank God!! again. Little did I know this would be the start of all my problems.
Middle ages
Will I got out of Charter and 2 months later we move all the way across the state to Murray
Favourite links

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